25 Tips On How To Maintain Healthy Living

Saturday 22 October 2011 ·

In this day and age people are looking for successful ways to live a healthier life. We live in a very busy and chaotic world. Finding time to exercise, spend time with your family, have fun and relax can sometimes be impossible. If you are not motivated to exercise or eat a healthy diet it is still possible to incorporate almost painless ways to live healthier. Follow the tips below, you will be on your way to living a healthy lifestyle.
"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly"

A Happier Healthy You

  1. Use the stairs instead of the elevator
  2. Join a fitness club
  3. Stretch in the morning when you get out of bed
  4. Try a turkey burger instead of a hamburger
  5. Exercise with a friend
  6. Walk in place while watching TV
  7. Drink fewer soft drinks
  8. Use skim milk instead of whole milk
  9. Eat lunch outside
  10. Avoid fried foods
  11. Order an omelet with vegetables
  12. Don't diet, change your eating habits
  13. Eat high fiber cereal
  14. Try bread without butter
  15. Do light stretches while you shower
  16. Take lunch to work instead of eating out
  17. Eat a bagel instead of a donut
  18. Read the newspaper daily
  19. Avoid Soups made with cream
  20. Eat an apple a day
  21. Keep your mind active with crossword puzzles
  22. Eating breakfast everyday boosts your metabolism
  23. Limit caffeine intake
  24. Exercise 20 minutes a day-three days a week
  25. Drink water instead of soft drinks